Simple Wedding Ring Options

Simple Wedding Rings for Women That She’ll Love

If you’re in the market for wedding rings, or even if you’re just looking for fun, you may find all the options are a bit overwhelming. The first ones to pop up in any simple search will be glamorous, large, and intricate rings with fancy metalwork and diamonds galore. Every girl may dream about these rings and wouldn’t mind a nice piece of bling for their hand. But is there are many simple wedding rings for women that look and feel amazing!

Simple Wedding Rings for Women That She’ll Love

What’s important to remember, however, is that these elaborate and fancy designer rings aren’t true for everyone. It’s perfectly acceptable to have and even want a simple wedding ring. Whatever you’re reasoning, a simple band could be the ring that suits you the best! Remember, what you like and want is what is the most important, not what the latest trend or what your friends have.

Simple Wedding Rings for WomenWhy Minimalistic?

There are a number of reasons why you may want to choose a minimalistic ring. Whatever your reason, you don’t have to sacrifice quality or style. Remember that you are the one wearing the ring for the rest of your days, so you should be happy with it!

Your StyleMaybe you are a minimalist by nature! If this is the case, don’t let anyone else influence your ring decision to get a flashier and gaudier ring. If your preference is simple and sophisticated, then go with that! You are the woman to wear your ring – not anyone else, so it is imperative you are the one that is pleased with its design.

BudgetLet’s face it, we aren’t all Kardashians. While we may like their style and have their taste, we likely do not have their budget. That’s all ok. In today’s jewelry market, there’s something for you no matter your budget. If your budget is really tight and you want to go simple in your ring choice, then by all means you can – and you don’t have to sacrifice your style or your ring quality.

Other ReasonsMaybe you’re opting for a simple design due to your work environment. Many people go with a more simple design to accommodate workplace hazards to prevent injury, damages, or to keep it simple and attention free. While there are plenty of ‘substitute’ options such as silicon bands that some may opt for when working in hazardous conditions, someone who doesn’t need to go to that extreme may just want to go with something more simple.

There are many ways you can opt for a simpler style no matter the reason you are going for something less flashy. Whether it’s choosing a simple band, dressing that up just a bit, or opting for a simple cut and diamond set, there are many ways to go about getting the perfect ring for you.

Simple Wedding Ring OptionsSimple Wedding Ring Options

  1. Classic Solitaire Wedding Engagement RingClassic Solitaire – A solitaire ring is always going to find itself on popular wedding ring lists. This simple design consists of a simple band with a single diamond set at the center to showcase its beauty. As a very subdued elegance, the solitaire ring allows you to have that big bling statement without too much flair or expense. You can really choose how big you want this to be since it is a setting with a single diamond. There are no other stones to complicate the design or make the ring too gaudy for your taste.
  2. Three Stone SettingThree Stone Setting – If you wanted to up the ante without going overboard, you could opt for a three stone setting. This typically has a larger stone in the middle with a smaller stone on each side. This doesn’t have to be big and can be made to still be very simple in design. This is the most complex of your simple ring designs without things getting too complicated or over the top.
  3. Simple BandSimple Band ­– You may want to skip the stones altogether! For a truly simple ring, you can go with a wedding band only option. You can always keep the traditional smoothed metal ring as your go-to, but you can also dress it up some and keep it simple with some textured design in the metal. Engraving or embossing a band can give it a touch of uniqueness without making it overly dramatic or elaborate.
  4. Diamond BandDiamond BandMaybe you don’t want a true raised diamond setting but still want that bit of sparkle around your finger. You could go with a band that has diamonds all the way around. This style is kept simple in that none of the diamonds or stones stand out from the next and the ring remains a dainty and simplified piece of jewelry. If a fully jeweled band is too much for you, you can opt to go with a band with fewer stones or maybe just a single stone set in the band.
  5. unique wedding ringUnique OptionsYou may want something simple and nontraditional altogether. Some examples of this could be a simple band that has a knot tied in the design – symbolizing the couple ‘tying the knot’. Another option is a ring with a heart made into it, or a symbol that means something to the two of you. The possibilities are truly endless if you’re going with a ring that is one of a kind. It’s important to just remember what the ring means to you and if you’re nontraditional, then go with nontraditional!
  6. Gemstone wedding ringGemstone RingsAnother option of keeping the ring simple, especially if the reasons are budget related, is to go with a simple gemstone setting rather than a large diamond setting. You can opt to go with a color gemstone that you like, or something that is more meaningful to you in a simple band setting. Your ring is yours and yours only, so you are free to make it suit your taste and needs!
  7. rose gold wedding ringOther Options If you still want a simple band or setting but want to dress it up just a little more, you can opt to mix your metals. Adding a touch of rose gold into your ring or mixing gold and silver can really add something special to your ring without overcomplicating things.

Regardless of your reasoning for going simple – and regardless as to why you’re choosing to go simple, your wedding ring design and style is your choice for what best suits you. Just keep in mind that you don’t have to sacrifice what you want in a wedding ring just because you wish to go simpler. A simple design can be elegant, sophisticated, and beautiful regardless of cost or complexity.

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