Do you have nieces and nephews who would love to attend your wedding? Are you looking for unique ideas for a special guest book? I’ve included several unique ideas for including nieces and nephew in your wedding reception and ceremony. These ideas will help you save money while making sure everyone is included and has fun!
Times are changing when it comes to most wedding routines and while it’s great to keep traditions it’s also good to harbor in some changes from time to time. Traditionally, there are basically two options for including nieces and nephews in weddings and that was only if they smaller and younger.
Couples could either include them as flower girls or ring bearers, or you could have them give out gifts during the ceremony and reception. Both of these options can be great but some couples have more than 2 nieces and nephews which means some may be left out which is never a good thing.
If you want to keep things simple, you can choose one of those three options. However, if you’re looking to make it special, you might consider some of the options we’ve listed below to include nieces and nephews in your wedding day.
1. Take the Traditional Approach and Appoint Them as a Flower Girl or Ring Bearer
As we’ve mentioned above, these two traditional positions in the wedding party is usually done by smaller and younger children. So it’s still a great way to include them as part of your wedding.
Include your nieces and/or nephews in your ceremony by assigning them as a ring bearer or flower girl. These are some ways to choose a flower girl or ring bearer:
Ask family members what they think about each child and if they are up to the task. If you already know who you want to carry flowers, ask them how they feel about that person and whether it’s a good fit. Parents will know more about their kids and help you make a better decision.
2. Kids Can Serve As Wedding Ushers
Children can serve as wedding ushers if they are old enough to understand what is expected of them. Most children under 12 do not make good wedding ushers because they cannot read well enough to make out the names correctly in some ceremonies.
Keep in mind too that stationary used in the wedding may have cursive writing which can be a challenge for many kids today. However, if you have older kids who are willing to learn how to act as a wedding usher, they could be a great asset to your wedding party.
3. Put Them in Charge of the Gifts
Most wedding will have a gift table where the wedding gifts are stored. The gift table should be kept flowing throughout the party so that guests do not have to wait for long periods of time to receive their presents.
This is especially important during parties where there are multiple people receiving gifts. In such cases, it is best to designate one person to keep track of all the gifts and make sure that each guest receives his or her present within a reasonable amount of time.
But there can be several each with their own duties such as someone to keep track and someone to gather the gift and present them. These tasks can be relegated to nieces and nephews who are older a bit more responsible.
4. Are There Dogs in Your Wedding? Or Better Yet Puppies?
Many couples today are including dogs in their weddings. And while this can be a great way to include your fur baby, you’ll need someone to help with the task of taking care of them during the ceremony and reception.
You may also want to include puppies as well which can be too adorable! Puppies are cute, but there are some things you need to remember about them. Here are five things to keep in mind when taking care of your puppy.
Be sure to read our blog blog: Including Dogs At A Wedding Without Overwhelming Your Guests
5. Make Sure They Have Games to Play
Most people think that wedding receptions take place over several hours, where guests eat and dance into the wee hours of the morning. While it’s true that some weddings go on late into the night, there are lots of ways to make sure children don’t miss out on anything important.
One way to do this is to dedicate a game for kids to play during the reception. Ensuring everyone has a great time is a must during a wedding and including games which kids can do during the reception can keep them occupied and ensure they have fun. You can have dance offs, bingo games, or any type of game that can occupy kids. One of the more popular games played at weddings is “Simon Says” but change it to say the “Bride Says” or the “Groom Says” to add a twist.
6. Make Them a Photographer at Your Wedding
Gone are the days when you had to pay money for developing film and needing to make sure you got the perfect shot. Today, almost everyone has a phone and can take photos and what better way to include kids in the wedding as a guest photographer.
Having alternative wedding party roles such as a guest photographer is a good way to include some of the older children. Simply ask them to use their phones or if you like buy disposable cameras for them to use. Let’s face it, most kids today have phones with amazing cameras.
The best thing about this task is that you can assign a few kids to take photos which is great if you have many nieces and nephews you want to include. Some of the photos are great as well because you can get a kids eye view with some of the pictures they take of your wedding. Which can be truly interesting and heart warming.
7. Have Them Hold Signs or Directions at the Wedding Party
While many of the smaller kids won’t work well as ushers they can help with smaller tasks such as holding signs and directing wedding guests to specific areas. Usually when including nieces and nephews like this they will be in one spot such as at the gift table or reception area. But you can include in other areas depending on the venue and how large it is.
You will need someone who can oversee the smaller children and make sure everything is going to plan. If not, sometimes things can snowball quickly out of control and your dream wedding can take a turn for the worse.
They’re Still Kids, Don’t Give Them Adult Tasks at Your Wedding
When you include your nieces or nephews in your wedding you should stick to what’s appropriate for their age. While having junior bridesmaids may sound like a good idea, it may not be appropriate for younger kids.
Remember it’s important to keep things fun and lighthearted and not make this a serious task they must perform. There are many ways to include children in your wedding ceremony without making them feel like adults which we’ve covered above. After all, this is a special day that everyone, even kids, should be enjoying and celebrating with you.
You will need to set some boundaries however when involving children in wedding parties. Kids shouldn’t be allowed to run around during the reception because they might cause trouble. Instead, plan activities for them to do such as games to play or simple tasks to make them feel like they are part of the wedding. These types of events are usually kid friendly. However, it’s best to avoid letting children wander off alone. Make sure someone keeps an eye out for them.
Is Including Your Nieces and Nephews a Good Idea?
Some couples are choosing to include their nieces and/or nephews in their weddings but it’s certainly not something that is required. And it seems like many parents don’t mind either. A recent study found that about half of brides had nieces and nephews included in their ceremony, while almost three quarters of grooms did the same. It’s a great way to include family in your wedding and it can make the entire occasion that much more special.
Having An Adults Only Wedding
An adult-only wedding isn’t always rude or disrespectful. In fact, some couples choose to do just that because they prefer to spend time alone together without kids around. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and sometimes having an adult-only wedding can be seen as offensive or even rude. If you’re considering having a wedding and only inviting adults to attend be sure to consider the following:
Adult Only Weddings Aren’t Always Rude or Disrespectful
For parents who have kids, being invited to a wedding can be a welcome break. But for some, leaving their kids at home or with a sitter just isn’t an option. Knowing well in advance when the wedding is scheduled and such can help but it may exclude some of your family because of scheduling conflicts especially with a short engagement.
Some parents may also see this as a slight to their kids. Although miscommunication is a problem, make sure that if you do have an adult only wedding that you make it clear that everyone should not bring kids or children. Babies are usually excluded because of crying at weddings and being fussy can be a distraction.
Some Venues Are Not Suited for Children
When choosing a venue, consider how much space you need for the ceremony and reception. Is there enough room for everyone to dance freely and play party games that can keep kids occupied in a separate area if needed?
If you plan to serve alcohol, you might need to reserve a certain area for serving drinks away from the children. Also, check out the age restrictions at the venue. Some places require you to ask permission from the owner to host parties where minors are present.
To sum it up, if you have nieces or nephews, why not include them in your wedding plans? They will remember their special day forever, and it will give you a chance to show off your style and creativity at your wedding. Plus, it’s always fun to see little faces light up when they realize they’re going to be included in the festivities.

Cynthia Pate is a passionate writer and wedding enthusiast, dedicated to helping couples create their dream celebrations. With years of experience in the wedding industry, Cynthia has developed a deep understanding of the latest trends, timeless traditions, and unique ideas that make every wedding special. Her articles cover a wide range of topics, from planning and decor to etiquette and fashion, always with the goal of providing practical advice and inspiring ideas. When she’s not writing about all things wedding-related, Cynthia enjoys exploring new destinations, trying out local cuisines, and spending time with her family and friends.